If You And Partner Have Herpes Can Things Get Worse My Friend Told Me She Has Genital Herpes And She Is Hiding It From Her Boyfriend?

My friend told me she has genital herpes and she is hiding it from her boyfriend? - if you and partner have herpes can things get worse

my friend has this relationship with this man, who was just out of prison and was blocked when running around sleeping with multiple partners, but 2 days before her release, she went to the doctor, and she discovers that she has herpes, and decided trust me! She is so confused and scared and said he would say that she was raped, or call him and tell him that she had no clue the hope that it will be all! I can not help but feel bad for them, then tell him to tell the truth, you made a mistake and try to learn .. Thus, after declaring that she never does, and speaker, as if it never happened! ! 3 months ago and I feel so bad for her BF and works 2 jobs trying so hard to be right, but has no family orclose friends, you can go if something happened in your relationship. Finally, I discovered through my husband (he was a friend) that there a threat of pregnancy and unprotected sex with her on the night he left the first 2 days after receiving his first home? I feel bad that I let me just an innocent person is infected, so I'm just as guilty as him, but I promise that I wouldnt say a nobody. educated im scared, because if a pregnancy is intended to correct things as usual, I think everything about herpes and the serious dangers that the future children could cause if they do not care for it. . Oh yes, and now he really is by the fire in their marriage in court *** WTF! But I do not know how to begin, even tor talk about it. It is not my thing, but I feel I do not say anything as bad as him!


Lauren said...

Giving an ultimatum.
Tell her she is not worse for them, but put other peoples lives in danger.
Tell her she is very sensitive, you have said and what you do. It is terrible to you as a friend put it through and obviously wrong.
Tell him how you feel, keep a secret, so great and I hope it will be able to be sympathetic.

Dan said...

It was rotten to trust in you and this time I swear to secrecy. Frankly, I would confront her. Herpes is done forever, and not a favor to keep their secrets.

DAVIE said...

Tell your friend to follow .... You can not heal and it could .... Tell her before too lateeeee it!

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