Photos Herpes Nose Rihanna’s Oral Herpes - Photos?

Rihanna's Oral Herpes - Photos? - photos herpes nose

do u guys think that it really herpes e2% 80% 99s-herpes-oral photographs


BeyonceStan!! [love♥] said...

No, it was just a cold sore. the only person who has got Coulda Chris Brown and he did not know, so ...

df4533 said...

Some of you know, then let me tell you. A cold sore is oral herpes. Not being included in denial. Herpes simplex can lie dormant in your system if you have had chickenpox. Who herpes 1 and 2 May there in the mouth or genital area. 1 of 6 Americans have herpes. So not to punish Rihanna, just because they have a cold sore, and I think it is ugly. They all kill me with this nonsense here, and the assessment of Rihanna! Judge not, do not do it judged.

♥Blessed Momma ♥ said...

Hm Here is how to spread things like cold sores (herpes simplex type 1). Yes, a cold sore is herpes. Call it like it is still very contagious. In other words, if someone is a cold sore yep, it is active, select the type of herpes that appear to his lips. And so it can be assumed, sexual transmission b / c if you have a "cold sore" if someone can give genital herpes oral sex on them.

♥Blessed Momma ♥ said...

Hm Here is how to spread things like cold sores (herpes simplex type 1). Yes, a cold sore is herpes. Call it like it is still very contagious. In other words, if someone is a cold sore yep, it is active, select the type of herpes that appear to his lips. And so it can be assumed, sexual transmission b / c if you have a "cold sore" if someone can give genital herpes oral sex on them.

Cynical_... said...

The herpes virus is the virus that causes cold sores. His incurable virus, and that very few people.

I have the virus, and caught my mother - a drink after a joint. She did not realize I was the development of transfer a - to the virus (through my younger childhood, she was always very careful with this)

Cold sores are as a rule, when the body is physically exhausted and under stress. Considering all the junk with Chris Brown - it is not surprising that it has developed A.

I can not stress this enough - the herpes virus is not quite an STD - and many people who have the virus and had no sexual contact with someone.

sandra b said...

Stop spreading ignorance. Cold sores are not herpes. I have had cold sores since I 10 years and have never had herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases. Worse yet, one quarter of people have herpes, and no signs outside. The wounds are not a sign of herpes. Do your research.

JuJu22 =-} said...

I wouldnt CUZ NO ONE PUT IT past, there are 2 types of herpes. Herpes and genital herpes than you give.

YES PPL is the herpes virus QUASAR cold sores (HSV-1 To be more precise) is a scientific fact

And HSV-1 is so easy to catch, you can JUS GET Sumone to kiss as he passed in the saliva.

Well believe it, but it's not like their END OF THE WORLD 4, he or she. LIFE GOES ON with HSV-1.

ricangur... said...

They are all idiots. a cold sore is a form of herpes. It is not sexually transmitted, but herpes. They all probably have to pay attention in school because his is very foolish to say, enough is enough, herpes sores, blah, blah, blah 'is. All dum. Get over you.

DATGURRL said...

Its Funny how I thought to myself sitting 10 years ago I School .... Health, but remember one of these years, and a cold sore is the HSV-1 (herpes labialis) Commen AND IF YOU DO NOT GET IT U any sexual acts, but if you have a fireplace OF ASSETS AND GIVE oral sex underground someone can transmit (the virus) in this area CREATION HSV-2. CALL IT WHAT U WANT BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS .....

DATGURRL said...

Its Funny how I thought to myself sitting 10 years ago I School .... Health, but remember one of these years, and a cold sore is the HSV-1 (herpes labialis) Commen AND IF YOU DO NOT GET IT U any sexual acts, but if you have a fireplace OF ASSETS AND GIVE oral sex underground someone can transmit (the virus) in this area CREATION HSV-2. CALL IT WHAT U WANT BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS .....

T said...

Duh, a cold sore is a form of herpes virus called herpes simplex. People are on this training please, various forms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Mandy123 said...

I do not think you probably have a herpes cold sore and I do not think that their right to call his dog did not even know them (Bastards of Young)

Tia Marie said...

Probably just a simple patch, like a grain, Boyle, or herpes labialis. Everyone gets even celebrities.

LIMITED ToO! said...

Herpes labialis ... uncommon.why you do not like the girl? because she is beautiful, talented and a millionaire ...

(( caela )) zzɐ pɐq said...

It's just a cold sore. There are about one million other people out there who have them. No big deal.

Jose V said...

Maybe Chris Brown then grabbed it.

Lonely said...

It's just a coldsores. Give the girl a break.

Fayzlle said...

Who ever herd of cold sores? ...

Dee said...

Wow people these days

hey!!! said...

PPLZ have heard of photo shop?
specifies the media want to always battle celbrities news!

Dr. Pepper said...


♥~Ëmmå~♥ said...

Why does it matter to everyone!
Continue your life.

Scot B said...

I did not, they are transmitted sexually, which is always when you are stressed about something and always in the same areas, the virus lives in the same place, I think the nerves

Scot B said...

I did not, they are transmitted sexually, which is always when you are stressed about something and always in the same areas, the virus lives in the same place, I think the nerves

AUG3009:... said...

its called cold sores ...

lovelylo... said...

It is a cold sore

BoomBoom... said...

Frankly, it seems wrong.
Or maybe his scar when Chris Brown came here

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